(A-2:)EVIDENCES OF BRIEFING BY DELETION AND ITS RHETORICAL SECRETS IN TAFSIR AL MUNIR SURAH - AL-BAQARAH WA AALE IMRAN AS A MODEL (RHETORICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY) شواهد الإيجاز بالحذف وأسراره البلاغية في التفسير المنير–سورة البقرة وآل عمران أنموذجا (دراسة بلاغية تحليلية)

Main Article Content

Dr. Fazal Ur Rehman
Raznan, Bibi
Shahid Anwar


The research aims to investigate the verses of briefing by deletion and its rhetorical secrets and describe the content of educational values that can be utilized and applied in daily life in Surah - Al-Baqarah wa Aale Imran through Rhetorical and analytical study. This study concludes that Faith and Aqidah education is a basic education in the holy Quran which is delivered through several stories of the Messengers of Allah. The study has also emphasized the rhetorical nature of the briefing by deletion not only in relation to its magnificent expressiveness but also to the ellipsis process which may benefit the listener and speaker to realize their goal of communication. Thus, considering the ellipsis process, the Quranic studies have achieved their extreme goal, i-e calling people to assist them to be ready for the Day of Judgment before Allah.

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How to Cite
Fazal Ur Rehman, D., Bibi, R., & Anwar, S. (2024). (A-2:)EVIDENCES OF BRIEFING BY DELETION AND ITS RHETORICAL SECRETS IN TAFSIR AL MUNIR SURAH - AL-BAQARAH WA AALE IMRAN AS A MODEL (RHETORICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY): شواهد الإيجاز بالحذف وأسراره البلاغية في التفسير المنير–سورة البقرة وآل عمران أنموذجا (دراسة بلاغية تحليلية). Journal of Arabic, University of Karachi, 2(1), 13–22. Retrieved from https://arabicuok.com/index.php/joa/article/view/18
Author Biography

Dr. Fazal Ur Rehman, Theology teacher government high school, Saro shah banda.