(U-2:) A RESEARCH REVIEW OF AHLE – QIBLA, THERE DEFINITION AND THEIR PRINCIPLE OF TAKFIR اہل قبلہ کی تعریف اور انکی تکفیر کے اصول کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

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Owais Anwar
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Dr. Mahmood ul Hassan Channar


The boundaries of Belief in Allah (SWT) and Skepticism is manifest like broad day light, because the faith refers the belief by heart which is the acceptance of Islam by all Islamic principles interaction in the light of Quran, Hadiths and actions of companions of last messenger Muhammad (PBUH) while to deny these religious tenets is called Kufur.

But in the era of revolution, few of the people amalgamated oral baseless false statements and support taken by different variant hadiths in between Islam and Kufr (Skepticism) and oppressed to enter in the Islam, and delivering message that on Oral acceptances is enough to be counted as Muslim, though oral agreement/ shahadah is enough to enter in Islam but there are more conditions that he/she should not be the certain refusal of religious necessities (abide by obligations).

While, one who is the purely denier of religious necessities (obligations) without any interpretation, would be the injustice in Islam said them forcibly Muslims. Therefore, in present era of emerging arts and sciences, one of the torments is the “Ahle Qibla”, in every new born conflict, who are absolutely atheist (unbelievers) so, new terminology stated them (AHLE QIBLA), hence fully understanding this issue following topics are to be discussed.

  • Definition to AHLE QIBLA

  • What is meant by Necessities of Deen

  • Reasons to declare Ahle Qibla as disbeliever

Right decision of Ahle Sunah wa Aljamat about Ahle Qibla

Article Details

How to Cite
Anwar, O., Ishaq, D. M., & Channar, D. M. ul H. (2024). (U-2:) A RESEARCH REVIEW OF AHLE – QIBLA, THERE DEFINITION AND THEIR PRINCIPLE OF TAKFIR: اہل قبلہ کی تعریف اور انکی تکفیر کے اصول کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ. Journal of Arabic, University of Karachi, 2(1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://arabicuok.com/index.php/joa/article/view/29
Author Biography

Owais Anwar, Research Scholar, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi