(A-1:)THE STYLE OF METONYMY: PURPOSES, SECRETS, AND ITS RHETORICAL APPLICATIONS IN TAFSIR AL- MUNIR أسلوب الكناية: أغراضها،وأسرارها،وتطبيقاتها البلاغية في التفسير المنير للزحيلي

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Dr. Mohib ul Nabi Tahir
Dr. Sanaullah Rana Al-azhari,
Dr. Abdul Rehman Yousaf Khan,


The purpose of the study is to investigate and shed light on Metonymy: purposes, secrets, and its Rhetorical applications in Tafsir al-Munir as a stimulant method that refreshes the reciter's brain and tests his mind's capacity to make him think differently and focus deeply on the verses of the holy Quran. The method used in the research paper is applicable and rhetorical. Many kinds of metonymy are used in the holy Quran about remorse and repentance biting on the hands and turning the hands in many ways. There is Metonymy for the intensity of the horrors of the day of resurrection, arrogance, and avoidance. We also analyze some verbal examples of metonymy and its miraculous revelation that helps readers and listeners. In the last part of the research paper, we try to shed light on the outstanding features of this study in the holy Quran.

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How to Cite
Tahir, D. M. ul N., Al-azhari, D. S. R., & Dr. Abdul Rehman Yousaf Khan,. (2024). (A-1:)THE STYLE OF METONYMY: PURPOSES, SECRETS, AND ITS RHETORICAL APPLICATIONS IN TAFSIR AL- MUNIR: أسلوب الكناية: أغراضها،وأسرارها،وتطبيقاتها البلاغية في التفسير المنير للزحيلي. Journal of Arabic, University of Karachi, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://arabicuok.com/index.php/joa/article/view/8